Ramblings from an over promiscuous 20 something

Sex, men, stupidity and cheating.

To the stupid cunt I just deleted on Facebook September 11, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 9:48 pm
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You’re an idiot.

Im sorry you live where you live, that you got knocked up and that your boyfriend waited 2 years after your kid was born to propose. You see, this means he never wanted to marry you, he just wanted to fuck your fat ass and you “accidentally” got pregnant. He works construction, and you are a stay at home mom/whore. Your kids, are really fucking ugly. Im serious. Im not saying this because I hate you, its because they really are.

I knew you in High school, you were an idiot then and remain so. We were merely aquaintences, yet, you “friend request” me a few months back with out saying a word. I hate that shit. Dont friend request me then not post anything like “hey how are you!? Glad to see you on here blah blah”. It just means you are collecting “friends” – and that shit pisses me off.

So, after 3 months of being “friends” I post on your wall “Hey! Your kids are adorable. Glad to see life is treating you well.” A lie? Yes, but I was merely being friendly because thats what I do. You even reply, saying something like “Thanks you should meet them soon.”

So yesterday I get an email from someone whom we mutually know and she rambles on about how she “isnt being gossipy but” wanted to tell me that “someone you are talking to you shouldnt trust.”

WTF cunt? Im 27, not 17, and yes, youre being gossipy.

I took the bait, ask who it is, she tells me its you. *sigh* I figured. You see, you spend the day playing “Mofia Wars” and “Sorority Life” so you must be stalking the fuck out of me while you do so. I understand your jealousy, I would be jealous of me too. I make about 18 times more than you ever could imagine, for fucks sake, the outfit Im currently wearing is probably worth more than your house.

I digress.

Please keep my name out of your fat flabby mouth and please, start acting your age.



Luke September 9, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 2:17 am
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Hrm. Luke.

Met you at a bar, I was actually on a “date” with Brian and I started dancing with you and secretly bought you a drink. We’ve been on two dates now in 2 weeks, and I’m not sure I like that. Sure, I am busy with the others, but youre supposed to be calling me incessently with a strong desire to see me soon. Is it you playing hard to get, or are you uninterested? I prefer not to think that you are uninterested, because Im not used to that. No one is uninterested in me, so therefore, youre my new project. Im going to make sure you fall hard for me, now I just have to figure out how.

We’ve got a date coming up this Friday, HOW do I get you to be smitten? I’ve looked at your Facebook thouroughly, yet I still cant figure you out. You’re not even that hot, so Im still shocked that youre not chasing me. I mean, youre cute, but…Ive certainly done better. You drive a Honda for God sakes. A HONDA. I shouldnt be milling about this, but yet I find that I constantly do.

Fuck, I need to hurry up and get back to work SOON – or things like this will consume me. Ive seen the new men that I will be working with, and they are all gorgeous. Perhaps I need to start being too busy around you, not reply to texts so rapidly. Yes. Go out with a few guy friends, post pictures on Facebook ….

Its all coming together now. Mind you, I have a date with Brian on Thursday, a day before I see you. I had to cancel on him today and he claimed that I would be “punished” on Friday because I “owe him big.” Hrm. I like that….I think its time I fuck his brains out. Maybe leave something secretly behind for his girlfriend to see. Maybe 🙂


Brian September 7, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 3:58 am
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You dirty little boy. You have a girlfriend and she is ugly, I love this 🙂

You’ve been trying to get at me for years, yet I’ve played resistant. Recently I obliged to have a drink with you and you acted like your relationship was at its end. Silly boy, I know youre only saying that to make my pretty pink panties drop, and that wont happen for awhile. Kind of.

You buy the drinks, the dinner, and such a sweet gift. Youre 42, Im 27 – you love this, as most men your age would. Im sexy, youre sexy – this should work. I tell you “Oh, I dont date much as I am quite picky, really takes a special person for me to kiss and fall for” and you immediately take the bait. Sweet God that was easy; rare for someone as attractive as yourself. You fall for it, tell me that Im smart, yet innocent to the world of dating and you want to protect me. The fuck you do, you want to shove it in while you choke me, dont you?

We drank last night, and for the first time I kissed you and felt how hard you could get. My my Brian…dont we have a big cock…

I wouldnt touch it, as to act shy, and played as if I was tired. You, Brian, are going to be a fun one. Lets see how far I can take you….


More to come. Or cum.



Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 3:45 am
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Oh Henry.

I used to sleep over at your house with your daughter in Jr. High and High School. Her and I were the best of friends, yet I secretly had a huge crush on you. If I would have known what I knew now – oh dear, how things would be different.

You found me on Facebook and we chatted back and forth for a few days. Finally, you got a bit drunk and sent me an innapropraite email that intruiged me. It basically said that I’ve always been quite attractive to you, and you would love to take me out sometime soon and act like we didnt know eachother when I was a mere child. You know what that means to me Henry? Instant control.

I showed up to your house, purposefully dressed to kill, and you let me in with a glass of vino waiting for me. We went to dinner, I acted like we had the same interests, you suggest we go on a trip sometime soon. I play coy and leave without a hug or a kiss – only because I know this will kill you and make you want to see me again more than ever.

You dropped off a present at my work along with a thoughtful card – how did you know I like Nordstroms? 🙂 I promptly returned said item, I want the money, not your gifts. I didnt respond to your gift for 3 days until you asked if I got it. “Oh, the Nordstroms box? Of course I did. Thank you so much, how thoughtful.” and that was enough. You see, Im well aware youre trying to impress me, but I dont want you to think you have me just yet.

Fast forward 5-6 more dates where I havent let you lay a hand on me. We go out, dance…drink…men compliment you on your VERY younger girlfriend, you love it. I convince you that going back to your house would be trouble, you tell me the W (hotel) is another option. We stay there, I order massive amounts of room service and champagne (as to test your financial limits) and you love it. I finally fuck you like you want, and you moan at the fact I have the perfect skin. Im 27, of course I do you idiot.

We wake, I order more service. THEN, you opt to divulge to me that you have to take viagra. I use this to my advantage. Do you think you can keep me having the knowledge that you require a pill to get hard? I know you like to fuck, and trust me, I feel quite bad that your “blue vitamin” is the only way you can, but regardless, Im an asshole and will own this.

Its been a month now, Im almost done with you. Thanks for the gifts and the nice thoughts that I fucked a friends father, but our time is done. You’ve recently sent me a message asking if there is another “suitor” in my life. Oh dear….what would be the benefit of telling you? I like your money.


The cheating addiction

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 3:34 am
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I was raised by a father who constantly had women go in and out of his life. He would always tell me about his relationships and what he thought of women. Before someone whom he was still attempting to “bang” (in his words to a 8 year old) would come over, he would give me the low down on her. “She works ___, she likes ___, shes and idiot, her name is__, dont forget that no woman has been here in years.” Growing up I always thought this to be normal, only once did I make the mistake of calling a young woman the wrong name and asking her how their date the prior night went. Once.

I learned quite early that men want one thing – to fuck, and since they want this, they will do almost anything to get it. I’ve put a many of men to that test. Besides the HS sweetheart, I’ve never been faithful. I introduce ONE boyfriend to friends, the rest are kept under wraps, yet think they are everything to me. Once I had a boyfriend show up to my place when another was there (I was making dinner) and he called, banged, called, pounded on my door incessently. I explained that he was a psycho ex boyfriend, and the next day scolded him for embarassing me in front of my cousin. He apologized, bought me a necklace, and never did the “pop in” again.

He was a cop.

Fuck, there is a thrill about all of this that I love. Lying, getting away with it, but also getting rewarded. Not ONE of the men has any idea as to what I do day to day, and I fucking love that. I need to establish names for the ones Im currently involved with. Here goes.

#1 – Luke. I’ve been on three dates with him, such a gentleman and a biochemist! Makes a moderate amount of money (in comparison to what I am used to), but I actually like the guy. Genuine, kind, funny…calls me “fucking hot” 🙂 Something about him that I’ve yet to figure out. More to come as he gets back from camping tomorrow and we have a date planned. I’m going to play incredibly hard to get with him. If I was to fuck his brains out now and actually “date” him he could paralyze easily.

#2 – Brian. He is the one with the girlfriend. She is horrible looking, which shocks me because I am at least an 8.5/9 and she couldnt be more than a 4. I figure he has low self esteem and prefers to date the ugly, as he is quite attractive. I find it somewhat hilarious that he tells me he is going to break up with her to be with me. No youre not. You like fucking me, thats it. Just keep buying me shit, rocking my world, and lets keep it at that. Alas, I let him believe that I believe. Poor thing, you think youre the only one with me and that I am waiting around for you.

#3 – Alan.  Hrm. We’ve been having sex for awhile, not much to say here. I think the only reason I find you attractive is because youre slightly hard to get. This is definately a relationship of which both agree that we are friends, but occasionally have benefits. Im OK with it. I think.

#4 – Henry. This one you guys may like 🙂 I went to school with his daughter. He found me on facebook and apparently got drunk one night and decided to email me. I think this story is an etirely different blog in itself. Wow. Henry….


How it all started – the HS sweetheart

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 3:15 am
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We meet when Im in 10th grade, and Im immediately enthralled. Looking back you were a loser, you played football but dropped out when the season ended. 15 year old girls like myself are foolish and continue to think youre cool, but youre not.

I would have done anything for you. And did. Your ex wanted to beat me up, you said I was fat (I was quite skinny), I couldnt do any better, your parents didnt like me – you would have said anything to lower my self esteem, and it worked. I followed you like a lap dog, even catching you cheating on occasion. One in particular you took me to a co-workers party, I couldnt locate you for awhile only to find you on the porch kissing a younger girls neck. I didnt say a word until we walked out to your car, then I punched you in the face breaking your nose. You then tell all of your friends that youre in an abusive relationship and that I am a mean person, I feel horrible and want to rectify this thinking that I obviously over-reacted. We stayed together for a few months after, you inviting me on a trip only to cancel saying that it was “family only”.

What I find out.

You were having sex with someone much younger, I think thats considered rape “Bill”. Actually, it WAS. I find her number and call to ask her whats going on, she tells me everything. We show up to your basketball game, the one you played weekly with men that could actually graduate HS and kick the shit out of your POS honda.

That was the best thing that ever happened to me. You recently found me on facebook, youve been married twice in 6 years and now have 2 kids with 2 different women. Youre balding. You still work at the hotel doing roomservice. Youre *giggle* – a huge loser. You changed me, after all of this happened I wanted to know what it felt like to cheat, and now I cant stop. The difference is I have yet to get pregnant, I make a ton of money, and will always be gorgeous. You sir, are nothing anymore.

This warms my heart.


Sexual Ramblings – 9/6

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 2:44 am
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Im sleeping with 2 different men right now. One of which has a girlfriend and the other whom I’ve been sleeping with since we met about 4 years ago at the same work place. Recently also went on a date with someone I could definately see getting naked with. Im lucky, no STD’s…no emotional breakdowns – just monetary rewards and a pompous attitide.

The one with the girlfriend perplexes me. You see, this isnt the first man that I’ve slept with that was/is attached. Plenty of married, or attached otherwise, men have entered into my life but each time I was fully aware of what I was getting in to. You pay for my dinner, buy me gifts, we fuck, you leave. End of story. This typically doesnt bother me, and I can only think of one time of where it did. I messed up – I got emotionally involved. When his wife found out, he offered me “counseling”, and they stayed together. I was a wreck for quite some time, yet, I still continue to practice such debauchery. Its the thrill, I guess. Most would say low self esteem, but that certainly isnt it. Im quite attractive, and I know it.

I cant name one person that “knows” me, just knows the person they think that is me. No one knows what I do, who I do, or what I even think for that matter. I put on an amazing facade and each person in my life thinks something different of me, but certainly doesnt know about my permiscuity. Every time I date, I use the old “Ive only been with a few people” line, and it works every time. I play, initially, like I havent a clue as to what Im doing, then weeks later I turn into an animal. Men love this. They love to think they’ve done this to you – that their cock is THAT powerful. Idiots.

I have loads of male friends, and they tell me how each women they’ve dated has been played…used…etc, and how Im so smart not to get caught up in that. They dont know what I do, or whom for that matter. All I do is take what they tell me and use it to my advantage.

They think Im such a nice girl, insisting on paying for the first date – obviously not looking for money because I make my own. That is where you are wrong. I am well aware that if I pay for just this one, you wont make me pay again. We go shopping, I turn you down multiple times for goods then FINALLY give in begrudgingly. You continue to buy me things thinking that I didnt know you would.

Friends of mine should take my advice when it comes to dating, they would get quite far. Alas, I cant act like I know much – so I refrain.

I dont do drugs, but I drink a lot. Not to forget things, because like sex and money, it makes me feel good.

I think people would be facinated with what I’ve done in the past, and upcoming, so therefore, Im going to jot down things and events as I think of them. Im going to drink a bit more, ponder some things…and come back.