Ramblings from an over promiscuous 20 something

Sex, men, stupidity and cheating.

To the stupid cunt I just deleted on Facebook September 11, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — restlesswithdog @ 9:48 pm
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You’re an idiot.

Im sorry you live where you live, that you got knocked up and that your boyfriend waited 2 years after your kid was born to propose. You see, this means he never wanted to marry you, he just wanted to fuck your fat ass and you “accidentally” got pregnant. He works construction, and you are a stay at home mom/whore. Your kids, are really fucking ugly. Im serious. Im not saying this because I hate you, its because they really are.

I knew you in High school, you were an idiot then and remain so. We were merely aquaintences, yet, you “friend request” me a few months back with out saying a word. I hate that shit. Dont friend request me then not post anything like “hey how are you!? Glad to see you on here blah blah”. It just means you are collecting “friends” – and that shit pisses me off.

So, after 3 months of being “friends” I post on your wall “Hey! Your kids are adorable. Glad to see life is treating you well.” A lie? Yes, but I was merely being friendly because thats what I do. You even reply, saying something like “Thanks you should meet them soon.”

So yesterday I get an email from someone whom we mutually know and she rambles on about how she “isnt being gossipy but” wanted to tell me that “someone you are talking to you shouldnt trust.”

WTF cunt? Im 27, not 17, and yes, youre being gossipy.

I took the bait, ask who it is, she tells me its you. *sigh* I figured. You see, you spend the day playing “Mofia Wars” and “Sorority Life” so you must be stalking the fuck out of me while you do so. I understand your jealousy, I would be jealous of me too. I make about 18 times more than you ever could imagine, for fucks sake, the outfit Im currently wearing is probably worth more than your house.

I digress.

Please keep my name out of your fat flabby mouth and please, start acting your age.
